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paulas resume

of ongoing professional development


With a 20 year background in human health as an occupational therapist and a life-long passion for horses, Paula combined the two to create PureEquine in 2011. Initially commencing with training in both human (Fascial Kinetics) and equine Bowen therapy (European School of Equine Bowen Therapy) in 2010, Paula continues to regularly review her practice and add new techniques to her tool box preferring now to consider herself as more of a soft tissue therapist or integrated equine therapist.

 “Know that I will give you the best of my knowledge to assist you in reaching your goals to find balance, well-being and performance for your horse.”


1997 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy. Practiced in the UK and Ireland in addition to NZ.

2010 Fascial Kinetic Bowen therapy Practitioner training completed.

2010-2011 European School of Equine Bowen Therapy Practitioner training completed.

2014 Attendance at Bowker (Equine) Lecture Series, Melbourne.

2015 Weekend workshop introduction to Masterson Method, Tauranga.

2016 Equine dissection clinic with Sharon May-Davis, (International equine anatomist), Christchurch

2017 Equine dissection clinic with Sharon May-Davis, (International equine anatomist), Christchurch.

2017 Graham Pennington Christchurch.

2017 Ron Phelan, Christchurch.

2018 Attendance at Bowker (Equine) Lecture Series, Sydney.

2018 Equine dissection clinic with Sharon May-Davis (International equine anatomist), Christchurch.


2018 Emmett 4 Horses Practitioner; exam October 2018

2019 Masterson Method 5 day training, Australia

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