
How do I prepare for my horse’s treatment session?
It’s very simple, just pull them from the paddock, remove their rug if they are wearing one and we can start. No need to brush or tidy your horse up. It is best to treat them where they are comfortable and relaxed, for some this is in the paddock, for others in the tie up area.
I do ask that your horse is not booked for the farrier/trimmer/dentist 2 days either side of the PureEquine appointment. Where the farrier or trimmer are completing their regular consult it is not such a concern. However when remedial work is required, it can be too much for the horse to have both hoof and body balancing completed so close together
How often should I get a treatment?
Treatments can be as often as you like. What I usually tell clients is that it depends on what your horse is doing and your budget. If your horse is an athlete and working hard then regular (weekly, fortnightly) bodywork will keep the soft tissues flexible and any tension can be felt and reported/managed as part of injury prevention within their programme. If you are regularly competing, then a maintenance programme should be part of your campaign, at least 4-6 weekly.
General soreness will be present, if left untouched that is when compensatory patterns start and it is that which often requires more treatments to reverse. If you are preparing a youngster or introducing a new discipline then whenever you increase the intensity of the workload, then it’s a good time to have some bodywork to assist the muscles in adjusting to the work type. Your bodyworker will be able to tell you how the soft tissues are feeling, which ones are under performing and which are over working. Knowing this will help you to adjust their training programme to manage these effectively. Releasing any tension will help the horse adjust more easily to the new workload and keep them happier and enjoying their work.
How soon can I ride after my horse has had a treatment?
If this is the first time the horse has had any bodywork and it has a particular issue then it maybe between 1-4 days before you can ride. I will contact you the day after the treatment to check in on the horse’s presentation and advise you. This usually guides us on the next treatment but I find the fit and conditioned horses that are on regular programmes, a 24 hour period off is usually enough unless we are managing an issue. The first ride back should always be a gentle hack/warmup/prep of straight lines rather than circles to allow the horse to adjust without collection. We know from people receiving Bowen that the time period of the body adjusting is between 1-3 days; after a treatment you feel good, then day one stiffness can appear and then usually by day three you’re feeling good.
What is the difference between Bowen therapy and other therapies available?
All modalities are aiming for improvement, most are aiming to affect the sensory/neural pathways to encourage positive change and reach restoration and balance in the body. Bowen is no different. It offers a gentler way of reaching restoration by affecting the fascia and soft tissues. Recovery post treatment is rapid compared to other treatment types. It is not a manipulative or chiropractic treatment. However where a muscle is under tension, it can be tight enough to influence a bone’s position, releasing that will result in bony shift. PureEquine is happy to work in with your chiropractor or physio as part of a programme.
What can I do in between treatments to keep my horse more supple?
Usually your horses post treatment recommendations will include a chat about what you can do to manage your horse in between treatments. The key is keeping your horse flexible with appropriate stretches and exercises both inhand or under saddle. Studies show that a fit, appropriately conditioned to the workload and supple horse is much less likely to injure itself. We would never not complete a warm-up, warm-down or stretches in our gym programme, the horse is no different.
What are Paula’s qualifications?
Check out Paula’s resume for the details of my qualifications.
In NZ currently there are no registration bodies for equine bodyworkers however I a member of Bowen Aoteroa, the human association. I hold indemnity insurance. As a practicing occupational therapist I am registered and hold an annual practising certificate which I have to keep updated each year.
Does pureequine have gift vouchers?
We sure do. Just get in touch and you can tell me what you need.